sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2020

Data Analysis: Finding a better place

Capstone Project – The Battle of Neighbourhood | Finding a Better Place in Scarborough, Toronto

1. Introduction:

This Capstone Project aim to create an analysis of features for a people migrating to Scarborough to search a best neighbourhood as a comparative analysis between neighbourhoods. The features include median housing price and better school according to ratings, crime rates of that particular area, road connectivity, weather conditions, good management for emergency, water resources both fresh and waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers and recreational facilities.

2. Data Section

The data retrieved from Foursquare contained information of venues within a specified distance of the longitude and latitude of the postcodes. The information obtained per venue as follows:

1. Neighbourhood
2. Neighbourhood Latitude
3. Neighbourhood Longitude
4. Venue
5. Name of the venue e.g. the name of a store or restaurant
6. Venue Latitude
7. Venue Longitude
8. Venue Category

3. Methodology Section

To compare the similarities of two cities, we decided to explore neighbourhoods, segment them, and group them into clusters to find similar neighbourhoods in a big city like New York and Toronto. To be able to do that, we need to cluster data which is a form of unsupervised machine learning: k-means clustering algorithm.

4. Conclusion Section
In this Capstone project, using k-means cluster algorithm I separated the neighbourhood into 10(Ten) different clusters and for 103 different latitude and longitude from datasets, which have very-similar neighbourhoods around them. Using the charts above results presented to a particular neighbourhood based on average house prices and school rating have been made.

I feel rewarded with the efforts and believe this course with all the topics covered is well worthy of appreciation.
This project has shown me a practical application to resolve a real situation that has impacting personal and financial impact using Data Science tools.
The mapping with Folium is a very powerful technique to consolidate information and make the analysis and decision better with confidence.

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Data Analysis: Finding a better place

Capstone Project – The Battle of Neighbourhood | Finding a Better Place in Scarborough, Toronto 1. Introduction: This Capstone Project aim t...